Meet Local Mark Selzer, He's a FUNNY GUY, he told me so


What's your name. Mark Selzer

What do you do? Stand up comedy

What made you decide to do this?

Comedy Quote: I'm a shitty passive aggressive non-communicator.

People I'm angrily not talking to haven't the foggiest idea what I'm not saying to them.

What was it like when you first started?

Hard, lonely, sad, painful...just like now

What has surprised you most about this endeavor?

That I get paid sometimes

What’s the most memorable experience you’ve had while doing this?

Going to Alaska and woman showing me there breasts in appreciation of my comedy.

Do you have any exciting plans for the future that you want people to know about?

Stand up comedy


What is something most people don't know about you?

I got 7% of the vote for State Assembly, running as a Libertarian.

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Who are some of your business idols and role models?

Dana white And why? Sticking to his guns and what he loved.

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What do you love about this neighborhood?

It is a river the world runs through.

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What are your favorite places to go in the neighborhood?

Pig n Whistle back room, El Compadre restaurant. Subway sandwiches at 3 am.

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What are your favorite things to do in the neighborhood?

I like to walk down Hollywood Blvd and look up the names on the stars on the sidewalk find out who they are.

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You can see all his YouTube videos here

He does podcasts
